Barry T. Rouse, DVM, PhD, DSc

Dr. Rouse is a native of England where he completed his education through a the BVSc honors degree. He departed England in 1966 for graduate training at the Ontario Veterinary College in Canada where he completed his MSc and PhD degrees. This was followed by postdoctoral training in Australia at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research in Melbourne. He returned to Canada in 1972 where he established his independent research laboratory  in the then new field of viral immunology. This Canadian Medical Research Council supported program was directed at herpesvirus immunity and immunopathology, a topic that continues to be the focus of his research activities. Over the years he has trained almost 80 PhD students and postdoctoral fellows which included three excellent fellows from Poland. His laboratory has published > 400 articles and reviews which have been cited more > 23,000 times and Has an H index of 81. He has won numerous awards for his research that include the Medal of Merit award of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in 2014. Other awards include the Alcon award for outstanding contributions to vision research, the Lindsay Young distinguished professorship, the Institute of Agriculture University of Tennessee professor award, the D.Sc. from Bristol University and most recently the award from the American Veterinary Medical Association Lifetime Excellence in Research Award. Dr. Rouse has had extensive experience in grant reviewing mainly with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and has been continuously funded by the NIH with multiple grants for > 40 years. He has been a visiting professor in several countries and is proud of the fact that this is his sixth , and hopefully not his last, professional visit to Poland.  He has yet to retire.


Barry T. Rouse, DVM, PhD, DSc

Lindsay Young Distinguished Professor

UTIA Institute Professor

College of Veterinary Medicine

University of Tennessee

Knoxville, TN 37996-0845

865-974-4026, fax – 7817